Get In The Way

Everyone sells.

Some of us sell for a living. We sell ideas, products, services; we sell good feelings and solutions to problems.

But in today’s world the challenge to get people’s attention enough to even say “hello” is getting more difficult. People are moving at breakneck speed, and the demands of distraction are everywhere. Social media has allowed tremendous exposure with little depth. And depth is what sells. At least that’s where the real selling occurs. Eye contact, relationship, engagement, authenticity, trust and competency – these are much better developed in person. And with all the technology we have, people still buy from people.

So, we need to get back to the old-fashioned key to sales.

See more people. Get in the way.

How do you do that? You find ways to get in the way.

You be the one to meet your prospect at the networking event. You be the one to reach out to your client without being prompted by a project. You call and set a meeting to discuss their 2020 goals and challenges. You set the conversation to learn about their growth objectives.  You see them about who else you should be talking to. You ask them how you can serve them better. Just go see them. Who? – your customers, your prospects, your past customers, your vendors, your connections, your friends of influence.

Remember to be a P.E.A.K. Performer.  P = Perspective – it’s what you think about what you do. E = Expertise – it’s how well you do what you do. A = Action – it’s how often you do what you should be doing. K = it’s how Knowledgeable you are about what you do.

So, for you salespeople, it’s about just being in front of people who can buy from you or lead you to those who can – touch base meetings, review meetings, opportunity meetings, lunch meetings, breakfast meetings, networking events, business events, speaking events, strategic meetings, what else?

Do what it takes to just get in front of more of the right people.

If you did not hit your sales goals in 2019, I’d bet you just didn’t see enough people. Set some goals this year and be the “guy” everyone knows, likes and trusts.

You’ll be glad you did.